Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017



What's it like to swim in the outdoor pool? Really the treatment is more difficult and must be leak-proof for tens of years? Check out soon.

Imagine you are swimming in a pond and surrounded by shady trees and a shady outdoor environment. What's the pleasure like? Really delicious is not it?

The oxygen supply around the tree is so abundant, and it makes you breath when oxygen enters your lungs, and that's the unparalleled pleasure of an outdoor pool.

In the United States and Europe, outdoor swimming pools have been made, but in Indonesia is still very little. Whereas the potential in our country is very much, with 13 thousand islands spread from Sabang to Merauke, the State of Indonesia has the potential to have the best outdoor swimming pool in the world.

What's so special about that outdoor swimming pool? What is clear there is the pleasure and beauty of its own swimming in the open and can not be replaced with a swimming pool in general.

Many benefits swimming in this pool. What is obviously very healthy and make ourselves more confident. It's as if we are swimming in a lake surrounded by a shady forest. It is very fun and worth enshrined in the photo.

This type of swimming pool must be leaked up to tens of years. Why? Because if the leak then bother asking for mercy. Because making the swimming pool in the open the level of difficulty is greater than the home pool.

Versi Indonesia


Seperti apa rasanya berenang di kolam renang alam terbuka? Benarkah perawatannya lebih sulit dan harus anti bocor hingga puluhan tahun? Simak segera.

Bayangkan anda berenang disebuah kolam dan disekelilingnya tumbuh pepohonan rindang serta suasana alam terbuka yang teduh. Seperti apa kenikmatannya? Sungguh nikmat bukan?

Supply oksigen disekitar pohon itu begitu berlimpah ruah, dan membuat saat anda menariik nafas maka oksigen masuk ke paru paru anda, dan itulah kenikmatan yang tak tertandingi dari sebuah kolam renang alam terbuka.

Di Negara Amerika dan Eropa, kolam renang alam terbuka sudah banyak dibuat, namun di Indonesia masih sedikit sekali. Padahal potensi di Negara kita amat banyak, dengan 13 ribu pulau yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai merauke, Negara Indonesia berpotensi memiliki kolam renang alam terbuka terbaik di dunia.

Seperti apa istimewanya kolam renang alam terbuka itu? Yang jelas ada kenikmatan dan keindahan tersendiri berenang di alam terbuka dan tak bisa diganti dengan kolam renang pada umumnya.

Banyak manfaat berenang dikolam renang jenis ini. Yang jelas sangat sehat dan membuat diri kita makin percaya diri. Seolah olah kita berenang di danau yang dikelilingi oleh hutan teduh. Sungguh sangat menyenangkan dan layak diabadikan dalam foto. 

Kolam renang jenis ini harus anti bocor hingga puluhan tahun. Kenapa? Karena jika bocor maka repotnya minta ampun. Karena membuat kolamrenang di alam terbuka tingkat kesulitannya lebih besar dari pada kolam rumahan.

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