Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017



Is it true that the swimming pool has hidden benefits? What are the hidden benefits to? Listen here

Not his time again if the pool just for swimming. Now pools have evolved to other forms of function and role. Swimming pool is true for swimming, but will be redundant if that's all the benefits, but the price is quite expensive.

In this advanced and advanced era, the swimming pool has expanded its functionality to a higher level. For example to raise the social strata. What does it mean?

You see. There are some people have the motivation for swimming pool just to improve social status. This is not a figment but a fact. That the existence of swimming pool is very effective to improve social status.

Swimming pool is also effective to improve lifestyle. What kind of lifestyle is formed from having a swimming pool? Surely a healthy lifestyle and modern. This is also the motivation of having a swimming pool.

There is more to double your asset property value. If you want to raise the value of your home, then create a swimming pool, then the price becomes multiplied.

Lots of benefits have a swimming pool, but most importantly clear swimming pool made for a healthful water sports. The swimming pool effectively builds maximum health. So, there's nothing wrong we have a swimming pool, because it is healthy.

In conclusion, it turns out the pool has so many benefits we never realized, but when we know then what we pay the price will be paid off. Let's make swimming pool anti-leak tens of years for the benefits more and more felt.


Indonesian Version :

Benarkah kolam renang memiliki manfaat yang tersembunyi? Seperti apa manfaat tersembunyi tersebut? Simak disini

Bukan jamannya lagi kalau kolam renang hanya untuk renang. Kini kolam renang sudah berevolusi ke bentuk lain dalam hal fungsi dan peran. Kolam renang sejatinya memang untuk renang, namun akan menjadi mubazir jika hanya itu saja manfaatnya, padahal harganya cukup mahal.

Dijaman yang serba canggih dan maju ini, kolam renang makin diperluas fungsinya ke level lebih tinggi. Misalnya untuk menaikkan strata social. Apa maksudnya?

Begini. Ada sebagian orang memiliki motivasi buat kolam renang hanya untuk meningkatkan status social. Ini bukan isapan jempol tapi fakta. Bahwa keberadaan kolam renang sangat efektif meningkatkan status social.

Kolam renang juga efektif untuk meningkatkan gaya hidup. Gaya hidup seperti apa yang dibentuk dari punya kolam renang? Tentunya gaya hidup sehat dan modern. Ini juga motivasi punya kolam renang.

Ada lagi untuk melipatgandakan nilai asset property anda. Jika anda ingin menaikkan nilai rumah anda, maka buat kolam renang, maka harganya menjadi berlipatganda. 

Banyak sekali manfaat punya kolam renang, namun yang paling utama jelas kolam renang dibuat untuk olahraga air yang menyehatkan. Kolam renang efektif membangun kesehatan secara maksimal. Jadi, tak ada salahnya kita punya kolam renang, karena memang menyehatkan.

Kesimpulannya, ternyata kolam renang memiliki begitu banyak manfaat yang tak pernah kita sadari, namun ketika kita tahu maka apa yang kita bayar harganya akan terlunasi. Mari kita membuat kolam renang anti bocor puluhan tahun agar manfaatnya makin terasa.  


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DO HEAVEN THE HIDDEN SWIMMING POOLS Is it true that the swimming pool has hidden benefits? What are the hidden benefits to? Listen here...